Policies and rules
May 30, 2023
Binding Documents are a set of standards, policies and rules that are applicable to different actors in the Rainforest Alliance’s programs, depending on the type of activity the actor is engaged in, as set forth in an organization's license agreement with the Rainforest Alliance.
These Binding Documents include the following documents and categories of rules: License Agreement Terms and Conditions, certification standards and rules, traceability rules, labeling rules, and online platform terms and conditions.* Additional guidelines can be found in our Help Center.
*Note: All actors that are part of either cocoa program and any actors interested in using the new Rainforest Alliance seal must also sign a License Agreement (2020 Version) with Rainforest Alliance.
Farms and companies certified to the following standard can find applicable binding documents:
Farms and companies that are selling, labeling or claiming products as Rainforest Alliance Certified or using the Rainforest Marks can find applicable binding documents by clicking the following links:
SA-S-SD-4 As outlined in the requirements of the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard, certificate holders must conduct a risk assessment. The risk assessment tool is available for group and individually certified farm management as well as supply chain actors who have social topics in their scope. The tool helps to identify risks that could prevent the […]
Rainforest Alliance has included the use of Fipronil, Imidacloprid, Thiamethoxan, Spirodiclofen And Glufosinate Ammonium in its list of prohibited pesticides; however, we have granted temporary authorization to the Brazil citrus sector to use these substances, while viable alternatives are identified. These authorizations are conditioned to be used within the strategy of Integrated Pest Management, in […]
The Rainforest Alliance Certification Program, based on the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard, introduces several requirements for Certification Body (CB) personnel that will strengthen our assurance system but will need additional time and resources to be fully implemented. Therefore, the Rainforest Alliance authorizes the changes summarized in this policy, during the transition year. In addition, this […]
The Farm Requirements of our new Sustainable Agriculture Standard are designed to help farmers protect the landscapes where they live and work, while offering an enhanced framework to improve their livelihoods and advance the human rights of rural people.
SA-S-SD-19 This annex includes additional binding content related to the implementation of the Requirements in Chapter 1 of the Sustainable Agriculture Standard: Management. This document includes: Collecting Geolocation Data (Previous Annex S17) (Related to requirements 1.2.12 and 1.2.13) When the Standards V1.3 was published on February 6th 2023, the content of this document remained unchanged.