Terms & Conditions
September 11, 2024
Binding Documents are a set of standards, policies and rules that are applicable to different actors in the Rainforest Alliance’s programs, depending on the type of activity the actor is engaged in, as set forth in an organization's license agreement with the Rainforest Alliance.
These Binding Documents include the following documents and categories of rules: License Agreement Terms and Conditions, certification standards and rules, traceability rules, labeling rules, and online platform terms and conditions.* Additional guidelines can be found in our Help Center.
*Note: All actors that are part of either cocoa program and any actors interested in using the new Rainforest Alliance seal must also sign a License Agreement (2020 Version) with Rainforest Alliance.
Farms and companies certified to the following standard can find applicable binding documents:
Farms and companies that are selling, labeling or claiming products as Rainforest Alliance Certified or using the Rainforest Marks can find applicable binding documents by clicking the following links:
SA-P-AF-6 This policy sets out specific implementation requirements for certificate holders at both producer and supply chain actor levels (Certification requirements) and for reinforcing the assurance process (Assurance Process Rules).
SA-S-SD-20 This annex includes additional binding content related to the implementation of the Requirements in Chapter 2 of the Sustainable Agriculture Standard: Traceability. This document includes: Traceability (Previous Annex S06) (Related to requirements 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3) The new version (v1.2) was published in order to add that mass balance is now permitted for cashews […]
This policy exception has been developed to support the traceability reporting process for tea certificate holders.
This policy exception has been developed to streamline the traceability reporting process, allowing offshore supply chain actors to be exempted from traceability and to simplify the certification process within these sectors.
This document provides the terms and conditions that apply to producers who register in the Rainforest Alliance Certification Platform (RACP).