Position of the Rainforest Alliance on the Proposal for an EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
The Rainforest Alliance welcomes the European Commission's proposal for an EU directive on corporate sustainability due diligence (CSDDD). This is a pivotal step towards raising the bar for stronger corporate accountability on human rights and the environment as well as setting a level playing field for companies. However, there are opportunities for improvement to meet the intended objectives of the directive and to better leverage the potential of the single market to contribute to sustainable development, particularly through the prevention, mitigation, and remediation of adverse human rights and environmental impacts in companies' value chains. This paper outlines our recommendations, including:
- Better aligning the proposed directive with existing, recognized international standards on due diligence
- Reinforcing the due diligence obligation, including through the requirement for companies to conduct due diligence on their own purchasing practices and business models
- Ensuring due diligence processes work to protect the rights of smallholders, communities, and workers in global value chains
- Reinforcing the environmental part of the proposal, through a broader and more flexible definition of 'adverse environmental impacts' and the inclusion of missing pieces such as climate change