Amazon Bioeconomy Marketplace Initiative
In partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Rainforest Alliance is implementing the first phase of IDB’s Amazon Bioeconomy Marketplace (ABM) initiative to improve socioeconomic conditions, fight climate change, and help restore ecosystems in the Amazon by supporting the identification and growth of export-oriented sustainable bio-businesses. Through training and technical assistance activities on sustainability practices, commercial and product development and financial readiness, ABM aims to support bio-businesses to increase their access to markets.
As part of its work under ABM, the Rainforest Alliance carried out a market-based analysis to gain a deeper understanding of the status and potential of the bioeconomy in the Colombian and Ecuadorian Amazon. The analysis includes a mapping and prioritization of bio-businesses with high export potential and identifies critical areas for sustainable growth and investment reach. The analysis, including field visits, interviews, and desk-based research, was carried out from October 2023 to February 2024.