The World’s Best Forest Guardians: Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous peoples and local communities have an unsurpassed connection to the Earth's forests.
Home / Issues / Forests & Biodiversity / Community forestry
Indigenous people have lived from the forest since time immemorial, using its resources sparingly and carefully so that it might continue to produce its riches. What the Rainforest Alliance brings to this age-old model are the tools and support to make it economically viable in today’s world. We connect local and indigenous communities with markets, provide technical and business support, and work to improve human well-being—all while conserving the forest.
This page features information about the Rainforest Alliance's work to promote community forestry and links to all our related content and resources.
Working with forest communities, governments, companies, and civil society organizations, we promote more sustainable forest management practices throughout the tropics. We provide training, tools, and knowledge to communities; promote youth inclusion and gender equality; work to increase forest cover, biodiversity, and carbon capture; promote secured rights to forests; and provide access to alliances, finance, and markets, so that forest communities—and forests—may thrive.
This paper outlines our principles and strategies for stopping forest degradation and supporting forest communities in vulnerable tropical regions.
Our Kleinhans Fellowship supports research that seeks solutions to the challenges faced by the community forestry model.
Our Forest Allies initiative leverages the enormous power of our partnerships to support forest communities as they address the climate crisis and combat deforestation.
This paper summarizes our lessons learnt from twenty years of global experience in community forestry.
Indigenous peoples and local communities have an unsurpassed connection to the Earth's forests.
The forest concessions of the Maya Biosphere Reserve have boasted a near-zero deforestation rate for 20 years.
Sitting in the heart of the Congo Basin, the 36,000 square kilometer Salonga National Park (SNP) is the largest protected area of dense rainforest on the African continent.
We are working to grow Mexico’s domestic market for sustainably produced products.
Dive into our 2023 Annual Report to learn about the strides we’ve made toward a regenerative future.
In Ghana's Sui River region, we empower local communities to combat deforestation and climate change through regenerative agriculture, forest restoration, and sustainable economic practices. ... Continue Reading
Sustainable management is a critical tool for protecting global forests and improving local livelihoods. However, in many rural communities, such as those in Calakmul, Mexico, a dearth of employment opportunities often leads youth to seek work in other areas. Such out-migration leaves rural regions without the leadership, innovation, education, and ambition of their best and […]
Together, we have begun exploring how more sustainable solutions, like community forestry and fish farming—can help protect the rainforest of the Congo Basin and strengthen livelihoods. ... Continue Reading
Dive into our 2022 Annual Report—and discover the extraordinary people and places at the heart of our global mission. We’re all in. Are you?
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