July 10, 2024
Home / Kids
In this virtual rainforest visit you will learn about community forestry operations in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve.
These resources supplement our free pre-kindergarten through eighth grade curricula.... Continue Reading
Esta guía educativa gratuita ayudara a sus estudiantes a explorar el manejo sostenible de los bosques y su papel en el desarrollo comunitario, usando los ecosistemas únicos de la Península Yucatán, México como ejemplo. Los materiales abordan los componentes principales para comprender el manejo sostenible de los bosques y la cadena de valor de productos […]
This free curriculum will help your students understand the role of sustainable tourism in supporting local communities and conserving natural resources, using the unique ecosystems of Quintana Roo, Mexico as an example. Materials address the main components to understand sustainable tourism from a social, environmental, economic, and cultural perspective. Each unit includes topic-specific information, activities, […]
All Rainforest Alliance Curricula, including, without limitation all lessons, stories, species profiles, presentations, games, the trademarks, service marks, designs, texts, graphics, pictures, information, data, software, methods, inventions, sound files, other files contained therein, and the selection and arrangement thereof (collectively, the “Curricula”) are the proprietary property of Rainforest Alliance or its licensors and are protected […]... Continue Reading
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