Online Traceability Exception for Tea Certificate Holders
This policy exception has been developed to support the traceability reporting process for tea certificate holders.
Une archive d'informations sur le thé disponible sur le site internet de Rainforest Alliance.
This policy exception has been developed to support the traceability reporting process for tea certificate holders.
This policy has been developed to align the requirements of the Rainforest Alliance 2020 Farm Standard with the context of Tea farming operations in Kenya. It is applicable to both Rainforest Alliance Farm Certificate Holders and Certification Bodies operating in the Tea Sector in Kenya.
This policy mandates a change to the requirement to use RA-S-MT-17-V1.1 Annex S16: Sustainability Investment Plan Template by Certificate Holders producing tea (Camelia sinensis) under Rainforest Alliance certification.
Elizabeth Kiende, experte en genre pour Rainforest Alliance au Kenya, met en lumière les racines de la violence sexuelle dans les plantations de thé.... Continue Reading
Nous sommes heureux partager avec vous les rapports concernant les données de certification 2021 des programmes café, cacao, thé et banane de Rainforest Alliance et UTZ. ... Continue Reading