Policies and rules
mayo 24, 2023
Home / Recursos para Socios / Organismos de certificación y Auditores
The Rainforest Alliance Certification Program, based on the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard, introduces several requirements for Certification Body (CB) personnel that will strengthen our assurance system but will need additional time and resources to be fully implemented. Therefore, the Rainforest Alliance authorizes the changes summarized in this policy, during the transition year. In addition, this […]
Búsqueda de información sobre las fincas y grupos de agricultores certificados por Rainforest Alliance, y certificados de cadena de custodia.... Continue Reading
En Rainforest Alliance creemos que es crucial contar con sistemas sólidos de diligencia debida para tener un sistema de quejas que funcione bien. Dichos sistemas son fundamentales para lograr nuestra misión de crear un mundo donde las personas y la naturaleza prosperen juntas. En este documento, nos sumergimos en el sistema que hemos implementado para […]
Just as the 2020 Certification Program is designed to promote continuous improvement by farmers and supply chain actors, the Rainforest Alliance is also committed to doing the same with our work. In practice this means that as we roll out the new program, we continue to engage in dialogue with our partners to make the […]
This form can be used to collect points with KoboCollect. Collecting points with using this form ensures all the required geodata is collected and can be easily documented in the GMR. Use together with the KoboCollect Guidance.