FAQ: 2020 Farm Requirements
A detailed FAQ about the Rainforest Alliance 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard Farm Requirements.
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A detailed FAQ about the Rainforest Alliance 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard Farm Requirements.
Rainforest Alliance certification is carried out by our authorized certification bodies. Find an authorized certification body in your county.
This page gives you an overview of certification costs for farmers and companies.
This document provides the terms and conditions that apply to producers who register in the Rainforest Alliance Certification Platform (RACP).
Rainforest Alliance certification is carried out by our authorized certification bodies. Find an authorized certification body in your county.... Continue Reading
The Exceptional Use Policy is built upon requests from certified producers to use pesticides that are included on the List of Prohibited Pesticides (Annex 7).... Continue Reading
SA-P-SD-9 The objective of this policy, alongside the 2020 Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard requirements, is to support producers in their journey to phasing out the use of HHPs. The Exceptional Use Policy grants limited exceptions for the use of certain agrochemical compounds contained in the Rainforest Alliance list of prohibited pesticides in specific scenarios […]
This sheet provides guidance on recommended verification methods per requirement that authorized certification bodies can use to assess compliance for the Rainforest Alliance’s 2020 Farm and Supply Chain Standards.